Our 3D print is the most innovative product for youth sports.
These dimensional prints are available in sets of 4-4x5's, 8x10 and 16x20 sizes, the 8x10
is also available as a plaque. They are customized with individuals
name and current year and are available in several design templates.
8x10 3D - $15.00

Collector's Print Set - The Collectors Print Set offers 5 prints with cool graphics. It's an
8x10 print that includes 1-5x7 and 4-wallet photos with players name, team name, year
and graphics. It's available in all design themes. $12.00

Frames - Off clear acrylic 5x7 frames and sport specific frames that hold 4x6's
(baseball, basketball, football & soccer only).

ID Tag (Dog Tag) = Our ID Tag shows Bag Tags - Every player should have one
the individual image on one side and of these Bag Tags attached to their gear
players name, team name & year on the bag. Easily identify your equipment with
back side, and comes with chain. Just this tag displaying players photo, name and
another creative way to highlight your league! - $10 each
favorite player and add value to your
picture day! $10 each
Mouse Pads - Just another way to show off Photo Sculptures - Show-off your favorite
your favorite player! Our mouse pad designs, athelete, anywhere! They look great on
display an image of your player approx. 5x7. your desk, mantle or as magnets on the
Can be made with individual or team image, fridge. Durable, clear acrylic construction.
includes player & team name and year. $18 each
$15 each

Acryli-Frames - Acryli-Frames come in several different design styles, for individuals
or teams. They include a stand, just like the photo sculptures. $20 each

Border Acrylics - Border Acrylics are available as either pins or magnets or pin/magent
combos. There are many different design styles to choose from. $20 each

Compact Mirror - This dual mirror Picture Disc - The Picture Disk CD
compact holds one wallet photo includes 2 sets of 3 low-res, email
(ordered separately) of your friendly images of the individual. One
favorite player. set shows the individual in color, B&W,
and sepia and second set with individual's
name & year.